Holmer's Headlines August 2021 - Holmer Park
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Holmer's Headlines August 2021

20 Aug 2021

Dear member

Welcome to August’s edition of Holmer’s Headlines. I hope you are well and are enjoying the mixed bag of a summer that we are having!

To start I just wanted to explain some of the work we have been doing over the last month or so to ensure you continue to feel safe in the club. As you will be aware good ventilation is more important than ever and we have been working with our partners at PR Cooling in Hereford to improve our ventilation systems. In the gym and studios, we have upgraded and installed new fans which provide a constant delivery of fresh air and extraction. This is why it is now possible to close the windows and doors in the studio and gym. We have to be mindful of our neighbours with regards to noise so this was an important step not only for your safety, but to ensure we maintain good relations with our close neighbours. For classes in the main studio that do not have loud music, if the instructor still wishes to open the windows then they are welcome to but please do leave the emergency fire exit door closed.

In addition to the importance of increased fresh air in the building, we continue to clean and treat touchpoints with industry leading cleaning products as well as investing in new equipment to ensure the club is always looking its best.

Please can I politely remind all members to continue to use the hand sanitiser machine at the club entrance and in the gym particularly please continue to clean the equipment after you have used it.

Employee of the month

I am delighted to announce that this month sees the reintroduction of our Team Member of the Month award. We really enjoy reading your kind words about the staff team and I do make sure they get to hear your feedback! If you would like to nominate someone the box and forms are at reception.

This month the award goes to: Food and Beverage Assistant, Lacey!

Lacey has come such a long way since joining us as an apprentice a short time ago and we are very proud of her achievements. Well done and thank you.

Continuing the theme of staff and their development, this month Mosaic HQ have organised our team to take part in Equality and Diversity training. I am really happy that the team have fully embraced this subject and continue to ensure Holmer Park is a welcoming, friendly environment for all. Our company vision is “to make a positive contribution to people’s lives” and taking part in training and development like this ensures the team has the skills to go about their work positively and help us achieve this vision.

In the Orchard Café we have recently partnered with Niche Cocktails and now are able to offer a “Matcha Mojito”, “Wild Strawberry Daiquiri”, “Pink Grapefruit Gin Fizz” and “Brazilian Lime Margarita”. This is in addition to our range of excellent wines from Tanners and some of Wye Valleys very best including “Butty Bach”. So why not pop up and have drink sat on the lovely decking area and enjoy the brighter evenings whilst they last!

With regards to club improvements, I am really happy to say that we have ordered new loungers for the pool hall and they are due to be delivered on the 26th August. We have also appointed a planning consultancy to investigate the possibility of building an extra studio space at the club. Clearly this is dependent on permissions being granted but I hope this demonstrates that even considering the difficult period we have had, we are open and prepared to continue to invest in your club.   

Finally it leaves me to say thank you for being part of the Holmer Park family and if I can be of any assistance, please do get In touch. My email address is [email protected].

Kind regards

Steven Chadwick
General Manager